

发布时间:2018-11-06 17:49:31

受教育部“春晖计划”支持,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学“农业、生命及环境科学学院”范肖丽(助理)教授,顺访“中心”、进行学术交流和座谈。范肖丽博士,是武汉大学经济与管理学院校友,2003——2009年就读于武汉大学,2017年毕业于美国康奈尔大学,获应用经济及管理博士学位(PhD, Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University)2009——2012年,在农业科学研究院工作。其研究领域主要集中在农业经济和管理领域(Food and Agribusiness Management, Consumer Demand, Bioeconomic Models of Invasive Pests and Diseases, Mathematical Programming),研究成果已发表在包括American Journal of Agricultural Economics在内的农业经济和管理领域的一流国际期刊。

时间:1114日,9点——11点 地点:第一会议室

TopicEffect of Information on Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified Potatoes in Canada


This study seeks to examine how different types of information affect consumer acceptance of genetically modified (GM) potatoes in Canada. An online survey is being conducted and stated choice experiments are being used to collect data on consumer acceptance of GM potatoes under several information treatments. Random utility models (conditional logit and random parameters logit) will be used to analyze the effect of information and other factors (e.g., demographic characteristics, knowledge on and attitudes towards GM foods) on the economic value consumers place on the GM potatoes. Results from this study can help policymakers design better information policies to improve consumer acceptance of GM potatoes.